Section: New Results

Statistical Model Checking

Participants : Axel Legay, Sean Sedwards, Jean Quilbeuf, Louis-Marie Traonouez, Chan Ngo, Cyrille Jegourel.

This section covers Tasks 4 and 5 of the action. It consists in developping Simulation based techniques and efficient statistical algorithms for SoS.

The use of test cases remains the default means of ensuring the correct behaviour of systems in industry, but this technique is limited by the need to hypothesise scenarios that cause interesting behaviour and the fact that a reasonable set of test cases is unlikely to cover all possible eventualities. Static analysis is more thorough and has been successful in debugging very large systems, but its ability to analyse complex dynamical properties is limited. In contrast, model checking is an exhaustive technique that verifies whether a system satisfies a dynamical temporal logic property under all possible scenarios. For nondeterministic and probabilistic systems, numerical model checking quantifies the probability that a system satisfies a property. It can also be used to quantify the expected cost or reward of sets of executions.

Numerical model checking gives precise, accurate and certain results by exhaustively exploring the state space of the model, however the exponential growth of the state space with system size (the `state explosion problem) typically limits its applicability to “toy” systems. Symbolic model checking using efficient data structures can make certain very large models tractable. It may also be possible to construct simpler but behaviourally equivalent models using various symmetry reduction techniques, such as partial order reduction, bisimulation and lumping. If a new system is being constructed, it may be possible to guarantee the overall behaviour by verifying the behaviour of its subcomponents and limiting the way they interact. Despite these techniques, however, the size, unpredictability and heterogeneity of real systems usually make numerical techniques infeasible. Moreover, even if a system has been specified not to misbehave, it is nevertheless necessary to check that it meets its specification.

Simulation-based approaches are becoming increasingly tractable due to the availability of high performance parallel hardware and algorithms. In particular, statistical model checking (SMC) combines the simplicity of testing with the formality of numerical model checking. The core idea of SMC is to create multiple independent execution traces of a system and count how many satisfy a property specified in temporal logic. The proportion of satisfying traces is an estimate of the probability that the system satisfies the property. By thus modelling the executions of a system as a Bernoulli random variable, the absolute error of the estimate can be bounded using, for example, a confidence interval or a Chernoff bound. It is also possible to use efficient sequential hypothesis testing, to decide with specified statistical confidence whether the probability of a property is above or below a given threshold. Since SMC requires multiple independent simulations, it may be efficiently divided on parallel computer architectures, such as grids, clusters, clouds and general purpose computing on graphics processors (GPGPU).

Knowing a result with less than 100% confidence is often sufficient in real applications, since the confidence bounds may be made arbitrarily tight. Moreover, a swiftly achieved approximation may prevent a lot of wasted time during model design. For many complex systems, SMC offers the only feasible means of quantifying performance. Historically relevant SMC tools include APMC, YMER and VESTA. Well-established numerical model checkers, such as PRISM and UPPAAL, are now also including SMC engines. Dedicated SMC tools under active development include COSMOS and our own tool PLASMA. Recognising that SMC may be applied to any discrete event trace obtained by stochastic simulation, we have devised PLASMA-lab, a modular library of SMC algorithms that may be used to construct domain-specific SMC tools. PLASMA-lab has become the main vehicle of our ongoing development of SMC algorithms.

Statistical model checking (SMC) addresses the state explosion problem of numerical model checking by estimating quantitative properties using simulation. To advance the state of the art of SMC we address the ongoing challenges of rare events and nondeterminsm. We also make novel use of SMC by applying it to motion planning in the context of assisted living. Rare events are often of critical importance and are challenging to SMC because they appear infrequently in simulations. Nondeterministic models are useful to model unspecified interactions, but simulation requires that nondeterminism is resolved.

We also applied SMC in the context of Systems of Systems (SoS). In the frame of the DANSE project, Plasma-Lab was used to verify SoS, and completely integrated with the DANSE tool-chain. We are currently working on verification of dynamic SoS, where systems can appear and disappear during execution. This work is done in collaboration with the ArchWare team from IRISA. We will interface Plasma-Lab with a simulator for the Pi-ADL language that enables simulation of dynamic systems.

Our group is devising cutting edge techniques for SMC. In particular, we are developing new algorithms for non-deterministic systems as well as for dynamic systems. Rare event systems are also addressed. Finally, we also devote a large amount of time to applying our technology to realistic case studies described in high-level languages such as Simulink or System C, or even a robot moving an eldery person in a commercial center.


[2] (J)

People with impaired physical and mental ability often find it challenging to negotiate crowded or unfamiliar environments, leading to a vicious cycle of deteriorating mobility and sociability. To address this issue we present a novel motion planning algorithm that is able to intelligently deal with crowded areas, permanent or temporary anomalies in the environment (e.g., road blocks, wet floors) as well as hard and soft constraints (e.g., “keep a toilet within reach of 10 meters during the journey”, “always avoid stairs”). Constraints can be assigned a priority tailored on the user's needs. The planner has been validated by means of simulations and experiments with elderly people within the context of the DALi FP7 EU project.

[3] (J)

Markov decision processes (MDP) are useful to model optimisation problems in concurrent systems. To verify MDPs with efficient Monte Carlo techniques requires that their nondeterminism be resolved by a scheduler. Recent work has introduced the elements of lightweight techniques to sample directly from scheduler space, but finding optimal schedulers by simple sampling may be inefficient. Here we describe “smart” sampling algorithms that can make substantial improvements in performance.

[21] (C)

Rare properties remain a challenge for statistical model checking (SMC) due to the quadratic scaling of variance with rarity. We address this with a variance reduction framework based on lightweight importance splitting observers. These expose the model-property automaton to allow the construction of score functions for high performance algorithms. The confidence intervals defined for importance splitting make it appealing for SMC, but optimising its performance in the standard way makes distribution inefficient. We show how it is possible to achieve equivalently good results in less time by distributing simpler algorithms. We first explore the challenges posed by importance splitting and present an algorithm optimised for distribution. We then define a specific bounded time logic that is compiled into memory-efficient observers to monitor executions. Finally, we demonstrate our framework on a number of challenging case studies.

[23] (C)

Exhaustive verification can quantify critical behaviour arising from concurrency in nondeterministic models. Rare events typically entail no additional challenge, but complex systems are generally untractable. Recent work on Markov decision processes allows the extremal probabilities of a property to be estimated using Monte Carlo techniques, offering the potential to handle much larger models. Here we present algorithms to estimate extremal rewards and consider the challenges posed by rarity. We find that rewards require a different interpretation of confidence and that reachability rewards require the introduction of an auxiliary hypothesis test. We show how importance sampling can significantly improve estimation when probabilities are low, but find it is not a panacea for rare schedulers.

[36] (J; accepted)

We propose a new SMC technique based on CUSUM, an algorithm originally used in signal processing, that detects probability change at runtime on a single execution of a system. The principle is to monitor the execution at regular time intervals, and to perform Monte Carlo checks over the samples of the execution. The results of these checks are used to compute the CUSUM ratio, whose variation allows to detect a change of the probability measure of the system. We demonstrate the algorithm to detect failures in a Simulink model of a temperature controller. Computing the exact time at which failures may happen is then useful to schedule maintenance operations.

[42] (W)

Many embedded and real-time systems have a inherent probabilistic behaviour (sensors data, unreliable hardware,...). In that context, it is crucial to evaluate system properties such as “the probability that a particular hardware fails”. Such properties can be evaluated by using probabilistic model checking. However, this technique fails on models representing realistic embedded and real-time systems because of the state space explosion. To overcome this problem, we propose a verification framework based on Statistical Model Checking. Our framework is able to evaluate probabilistic and temporal properties on large systems modelled in SystemC, a standard system-level modelling language. It is fully implemented as an extension of the Plasma-lab statistical model checker. We illustrate our approach on a multi-lift system case study.

[27] (W)

Stochastic Petri nets are commonly used for modeling distributed systems in order to study their performance and dependability. This report proposes a realization of stochastic Petri nets in SystemC for modeling large embedded control systems. Then statistical model checking is used to analyze the dependability of the constructed model. Our verification framework allows users to express a wide range of useful properties to be verified which is illustrated through a case study.

[25] (C: accepted)

Transaction-level modeling with SystemC has been very successful in describing the behavior of embedded systems by providing high-level executable models, in which many of them have an inherent probabilistic behavior, i.e., random data, unreliable components. It is crucial to evaluate the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the probability of the system properties. Such analysis can be conducted by constructing a formal model of the system and using probabilistic model checking. However, this method is infeasible for large and complex systems due to the state space explosion. In this work, we demonstrate the successful use of Statistical Model Checking to carry out such analysis directly from large SystemC models and allows designers to express a wide range of useful properties. This work is going to presented at 17th IEEE High Assurance Systems Engineering Symposium in January, 2016.